
Confirmed invited speakers:

Keynote speakers (30 mins)

  • Merton C Flemings
    (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
    A short history of MIT studies on fluid flow in solidification, 1952-2009
    • Qiang Zhu
      (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
      Semi solid processing of alloys and composites in China
    • Johannes Winklhofer (SAG,Austria)
      Using recycled material for semi-solid processing of Al-Si-Mg based alloys

     Invited speakers

    •  Jufu Jiang
      (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
      Short-term Oxidation Behavior, Microstructure Evolution and Compression Behavior of Nickel-based Superalloy GH4037 in Solid and Semi-solid States
    • Shusen Wu
      (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
      Variation of microstructure and mechanical properties of YW61 magnesium alloz solidification under different pressures
    • Anders Jafors
      (Jönköping University, Swedish)                                                                                                             Semisolid materials processing; A sustanability perspective
    • Daquan Li
      ( GRIMAT Engineering Institute Co., Ltd, China )
      Recent industrial application and perspectives of rheo-diecast process in China
    • Lukasz Rogal
      (Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science Polish Academy of Science)
      Semi-solid processing of advanced structural alloys
    • A. Nicholas Grundy
      (ThermoCalc, Sweden)                                                                   Predicting alloy solidification using calphad type thermodynamic and kinetic calculations
    • Renguo Guan
      (Dalian Jiaotong University, China)
      Research & development of rheocasting by the coupling of shear and vibration
    • Jessada Wannasin
      (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)                                                                                                           Superheated slurry principle and its application in the die casting industry.
    • Xiangjie Yang
      (Nanchang University, China)
    • Microstructure evolution of a semisolid magnesium alloy slurry obtained via an internal rapid cooling process (IRCSP)
    • Jun Zhang
      (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)                                                                                                                                                                               Melt Treatment Technology for Superalloy Casting
    • Goetz Hartmann
      (Magma, Germany)                                                                                                                         Virtual assessment and optimization of semisolid metal casting process
    • Annalisa Pola
      (Universita degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)                                                                                                             Properties of semisolid parts: comparison with conventional and innovative manufacturing technologies
    • Michael Modigell
      (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)                                                                                                  How to achieve physically correct rheological material functions for semi-solid alloys
    • Nagaumi Hirom
      (Soochow University, China)                                                           Development of high strength high toughness and high thermal conductivity cast aluminum alloys
    • Philipp Ochotta
      (Yizumi, Germany)                                                                                 Enhanced process stability through new process control strategies and improved mechanical components in thixomolding
    • Stephen Midson
      (Colorado School of Mines, USA)                                       Using micro-CT scanning to quantitative characterize porosity in conventional die casting and semi-solid castings
    • Yonglin Kang
      (University of Science and Technology, China)                                        A new technology for preparation of semisold sluury of aluminium alloy and its application in rheological die-casting of large thin-walled parts
    • T.C. Su
      (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)                                        Understanding the rheological transitions in se,i-solid alloys by a combined in-situ imaging and granular micromechanics modelling approach
    • Daniela Ehgartner
      (Anton Paar, Austria)                                        New parameters for casting processes: the rheology of metal alloys in the solid-liquid phase 
    • Enyu Guo
      (Dalian University of Technology, China)                                        Coarsening and deformation of semi-solid light alloys: knowledge learned from synchrotron studies 
    • Toshio Haga
      (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan)                                        Semisolid casting and die casting of Al-4.8%Mg-2%Si alloy 
    • M. Rosso
      (INSTM c/o Polytechnic of Turin (DISAT) Alessandria, Italy)                  About residual stress state of casting: the cast of HPDC parts and possible advantages through semi-solid processes